【同义词辨析】 2018-01-15 奇怪strange-outlandish
strange: stresses unfamilarity and may apply to the foreign, the unnatural, the unacccountable, or the new: immigrants adjusting to ~ new customs. (1、奇怪的unusual, surprising, difficult to understand, 如it's strange we haven't heard from him奇怪一直没有他的消息,如it's strange how childhood impressions linger童年的印象经久不忘,真是不可思议,a strange look/tone奇怪的眼神/语气 2、陌生的unfamiliar,如I ended up alone in a strange city结果我独自一人来到了一个陌生的城市,don't accept lifts from a strange man(stranger)别搭陌生男人的车)
singular: suggests individuality and puzzling strangeness: a ~ feeling of impending disaster. (来自single个体的单独的 1、语法中表示单数,如mouse is the singular of mice是mice的单数,the verb/noun should be in the singular该动词/名词应该用单数 2、优秀的好于一般的明显的better or greater than what is usual or normal,如her singular talent for music她卓越的音乐才能, 如he showed a singular[noticeable, obvious] lack of interest他明显没有兴趣 3、奇怪strange or odd,如he is a singular man他有些奇怪,如本例奇怪的不祥的感觉)
unique: implies an absence of peers and the fact of being without a known parallel: a career that was ~ in the annals of science. peer同等的、身份相同的人parallel平行的、相似的事物 编年史; 历史记载; (用于学术杂志的名称)年报,年鉴;
peculiar: implies a marked distinctiveness: a problem ~ to inner-city areas. peculiar也在2020-08-14 特有characteristic-distinctive组中,强调独特且罕见的stresses the rarity or uniqueness of qualities possessed by a particular individual or class or kind,如an eccentricity that is peculiar to the British英国人特有的怪癖,如本例城内特有的问题 marked显著的做了标记的
eccentric: suggests a divergence from the usual or normal, especially in behavior: the ~ eating habits of young children. 如上例英国人特有的怪癖
erratic: stresses a capricious and unpredictable wandering or deviating form the normal or expected: disburbed by his friend's ~ behavior.
odd: applies to a possibly fantasic departure from the regular or expected: an ~ sense of humor. regular, expected想成regular expression规则的表达(计算机:正则表达式) (fantastic 1、怪诞又富于想象的strange and showing a lot of imagination,如a fantastic dream/wonderland怪诞的梦/仙境,fantasy范特西 2、不切实际的难以实现的impossible to put into practice,如a fantastic scheme/project不切实际的计划/方案 3、口语中表示极好的巨大的extremely good,如fantastic achievement巨大的成就,如you've got the job? fantastic!你找到那工作了? 太好了)
queer: suggests a dubious sometimes sinister oddness: puzzled by the ~ happenings since her arrival. dubious可疑sinister不祥的凶兆的having an evil appearance
quaint: suggests an old-fasioned but pleasant oddness: a ~ and remote village in the mountains. 又如quaint old customs稀奇的古老习俗,a quaint seaside village古朴的海滨村庄,a piano with a quaint old-world tone音色古雅的钢琴
outlandish: applies to what is uncouth, bizarre, or barbaric: islanders having ~ customs and suprestitions. outlandish costumes/ideas/dishes奇装异服/古怪荒诞的想法/口味怪异的菜肴 uncouth粗俗无礼无教养
strange奇怪: 强调反常陌生,如外来的非自然的难理解的不熟悉的, singular奇特: 表示个人特有的奇特的,unique独一无二: 指没有同等的相似的,peculiar特有: 显著的与众不同,eccentric反常: 表示偏离常轨,erratic严重反常: 强调任性而无法预测,odd奇怪: 指怪诞而引人遐想的,不同寻常,queer奇怪可疑: 让人感到可疑甚至不祥,quaint古雅古香古色: 虽然古老但让人觉得奇特有趣的,outlandish奇异古怪: 粗俗的怪异的原始的
记忆方法: 1) 首字母SSUPEEOQQO组合成eq so eq soup(因为)平等所以汤也相等<==奇怪逻辑
2) 练习一下
3)奇怪的意思是稀奇罕见异于常态mean departing or varying from what is ordinary, usual, or to be expected.首字母SSUPEEOQQO组合成eq so eq soup(因为)平等所以汤也相等<==奇怪逻辑